A bespoke indemnity scheme designed specifically for, and exclusive to, consultants who practise at Spire Healthcare. We retain over 96% of our clients!

What we offer
The MedicaInsure scheme has been running for over 10 years and has been designed to reflect each consultant's individual practice and experience.
It recognises Spire Healthcare's high clinical quality by saving consultants on their indemnity costs for work undertaken at any Spire hospital. Adding to this, MedicaInsure protection extends to also cover any Private Practice outside of Spire.
The scheme incorporates all private practice work. Our quality, credibility and experience places you – the consultant – at the heart of what we do, with protection that includes bespoke premiums, full claims support and excellent service
Contractual indemnity for Spire consultants which goes above and beyond.
MedicaInsure has been chosen because it offers an experienced medical indemnity team. With a dedicated account handler and a direct line into them, we’ll be on hand to manage any queries you have.
All members of our team understand the constraints of a consultant's time and are available out of hours, to service you when you might need us most.

We can save you time & money
Each individual consultant is assessed on a case-by-case basis by our team, creating a completely bespoke policy and premium to meet the needs of each consultant . This bespoke approach, means our premiums are typically lower than the Medical Defence Organisations (MDO).
MedicaInsure provide contractual-based indemnity cover and as a trading name of Lockton Companies LLP, we are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.